It is good to have maritime warfare exercise with foreign armed forces and during the week before Merdeka the Royal Malaysian Navy and the Royal Australian Navy conducted a combined maritime warfare exercise in the Malacca Straits called MASTEX 7/2009 . Malaysian navy ships KD Lekiu, KD Laksamana Hang Nadim and KD Mutiara joins their Australian counterparts Adelaide Class Frigate HMAS Darwin and Replenishment ship HMAS Success for the week long exercises. According the Joint Press Release by F
OC RMN,this exercise is conducted annually and in this year it will start at Lumut Naval Base, for the Harbour Phase and the Closing Phase will be conducted in Port Klang. Last year it was held in the waters off Darwin Australia with the Adelaide Class Frigate HMAS Melbourne with an embarked Seahawk helicopter and Armidale Class Patrol Boat HMAS Maryborough, alongside Royal Malaysian Navy ship KD Jebat with a Super Lynx helicopter.

Ayoyo brother,
You again make me laugh lah.
"Practice makes perfect" sounds like a big joke.
That fateful night onboard KDSI, there were 5 Fire drills or practice but when the time came for the crew to execute what they have learned, pandemonium broke loose.
Next time ps choose your heading carefully as far as TLDM are concerned. In this case you are not to blame because your article came out well before the inferno.
Appreciate your opinion why the 5 fire drill/practice could not make the crew/officer perfect. Don't tell me they need a dozen.
Appreciate your opinion.
Salam brader mumuchi....
takde posting terbaru ke.. lame benor dah tak berupate blog nie... hehe..
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