Baca betul-betul or read properly. Our submarine flotilla once again proved their operational status when KD Tun Razak dove to her maximum depth with the Navy's Captain in Chief, The Sultan of Selangor on board. The Captain in Chief also took part in a naval tradition of tasting the seawater of that depth.

This proves that allegations that our submarines cannot dive are pure lies and hogwash. Continuing a theme in the cyberworld, if you still cannot believe this fact, why don't you politicians in Selangor ask your Sultan about it?

This proves that allegations that our submarines cannot dive are pure lies and hogwash. Continuing a theme in the cyberworld, if you still cannot believe this fact, why don't you politicians in Selangor ask your Sultan about it?
1 comment:
Pelik betul. Kalau baca Malaysian Insider dan media pembangkang hampir semua yang post komen kata submarine tak boleh dive, jadi beli kapal selam satu pembaziran.
Kalau otak dak tak rasional tu, bagi bukti apa pun dia orang tak akan percaya. Yang dia tahu bangkang, bangkang, bangkang.
Tak tahulah apa nak jadi kalau negara ni ditadbir oleh puak (terutamanya parti majoriti bangsa pendatang tertentu) yang anti pasukan keselamatan. Mungkin ada agenda tertentu untuk mereka melemahkan pasukan keselamatan.
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