This blog will be a repository of the postings of a military nature from my other blog and new ones since then, especially about the Malaysian Military in particular. Hopefully such knowledge about the hardworking men and women who tirelessly work for the security of Malaysia will be acknowledged and appreciated in this way. "We sleep soundly in our beds because rough men stand ready in the night to visit violence on those who would do us harm." - Winston Churchill

Thursday, September 20, 2012
Yes Our Armed Forces Have Fangs!
Credit : RMN Webmaster
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
Another Potential AV8 30mm RCWS?

Sunday, September 16, 2012
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
Rotan Dah Ada, Buat Apa Nak Akar Reput
Alangkah terkejutnya saya membaca berita yang terbukti Tentera Laut Filipina sudah memulakan perbincangan untuk membeli kapal kelas Maestrale Tentera Laut Itali seperti dikomen oleh En. Feizal di post tersebut. Ini adalah seperti diberitakan oleh suratkhabar Filipina ini.
Cuba bandingkan kemampuan kapal Maestrale ni dengan kapal OHP yang kita dikatakan berminat tu dari segi persenjataan sahaja.
Kelas Frigat Maestrale.
Anti-air missiles:
1x 8 round SAM launcher (24x Aspide missiles) Anti-ship missiles:
4x Teseo Mk2 (Otomat) Guns:
1x 127-mm 54-cal. OTO Melara DP (main gun)
2x 40mm Oto Melara Dardo Twin 40L70- ASW:
2x fixed 533-mm torpedo launchers (8x WASS A-184 torpedoes)
2x triple 324-mm Mk 32 Mod. 9 torpedo tubes (12x U.S. Mk 46 Mod. 5 torpedoes)
Frigat kelas OHP
Two triple Mark 32 Anti-submarine warfare torpedo tubes with Mark 46 or Mark 50 anti-submarine warfare torpedoesOne OTO Melara 76 mm/62 caliber naval gun
One 20 mm Phalanx CIWS rapid-fire cannon
Philippines puts price tag on ex-Italian frigatesThe Philippines Department of National Defence has requested a budget allocation of USD60 million to purchase two second-hand Maestrale-class frigates from Italy. The price tag was disclosed by Defence Secretary Voltaire Gazmin on 22 August, when he formally informed the House of Representatives' appropriations committee of a proposed 2013 defence budget of PHP121.6 billion (USD2.9 billion), a 7.6 per cent increase on 2012's budget of PHP113 billion
[first posted to http://jni.janes.com - 23 August 2012]
Defense Secretary Voltaire Gazmin had earlier said the military wants to acquire additional naval craft from Italy.
“We are not totally relying on the United States (for) our equipment acquisitions. We are also looking at the possibility of getting some of our equipment from Europe, specifically from Italy, depending on our budget,” he added.