I just want to link videos of the other side of what they call Pigs, Dogs and Bitches, pardon my English.
and don't forget the kenduri.

This blog will be a repository of the postings of a military nature from my other blog and new ones since then, especially about the Malaysian Military in particular. Hopefully such knowledge about the hardworking men and women who tirelessly work for the security of Malaysia will be acknowledged and appreciated in this way. "We sleep soundly in our beds because rough men stand ready in the night to visit violence on those who would do us harm." - Winston Churchill
JDW 24-Apr-2012 Malaysia looking to buy second-hand US frigates and LSDs
Jane's Defence Weekly - 25 April, 2012 - 23:03
The Royal Malaysian Navy (RMN) has told the US Navy (USN) it may be interested in buying Oliver Hazard Perry class frigates scheduled for decommissioning in 2013 and the early retired Whidbey Island class landing ship docks (LSDs). "We have registered our interest," RMN chief Admiral Tan Sri Aziz Jaafar told reporters on 23 April in Kuala Lumpur. Adm Tan Sri Aziz also said the RMN and Royal Malaysian Air Force had told the government of a maritime patrol aircraft requirement.
The Star Online > NationSaturday April 21, 2012Don’t confuse people with APC issue, bloggers told
KUALA LUMPUR: Defence Minister Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi has told pro-Opposition bloggers not to confuse the people with the issue of acquisition of 6x6 armoured cars with the locally-made AV8.
He said the Government was studying the suitability of the 6x6 armoured car for use by the army under UN Interim Force In Lebanon (Unifil), while the RM8bil AV8 project was a plan for a made-in-Malaysia armoured car.
“They should understand that AV8 is an armoured personnel carrier (APC) with 12 variants for use in Malaysia, while the 6x6 APC is for Unifil,” he said after witnessing the signing of a memorandum of understanding bet-ween the National Service Training Department and Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris here yesterday.
Dr Ahmad Zahid was asked to comment on claims in Opposition blogs quoting Indonesian sources as saying that the Government had selected 32 Anoa armoured cars manufactured by PT Pindad of Indonesia because it was cheaper than the AV8.
He said the Government evaluated several 6x6 armoured cars from abroad, including the Anoa from Indonesia, but had not made a decision.
Dr Ahmad Zahid clarified that the need for a 6x6 armoured car for Malaysian soldiers in Lebanon was pressing because the existing Condor, which has been in use since the 1980s, was no longer suitable.
He said the development of the AV8 might take up to even 15 years.
“The prototype is expected to be completed next year but for Unifil, the Condor is not suitable as it is 4x4. We need a 6x6.”
On another matter, Dr Ahmad Zahid said water-based activities at national service training camps nationwide would resume in the near future.
By the way, I just don't buy Deftech's reasons for not showing the AV8's mock-up that you promised and replacing it with these simple displays that are so sterile.
It really does not make sense to have such a big pavillion to house a model on a moving pedestal that actually shouts "FALL BACK PLAN". So either make sure your supplier keeps your promise, or do not make such a promise in the first place.