Monday, August 26, 2013

Historical Narrative Day In School

With the assistance of Mejar (Rtd) Nor Ibrahim a fellow blogger, I had managed to arrange for the appearance of  Dato Mejar (Rtd) Salehuddin, a PGB medal owner to give a narrative on his experiences in the armed forces at my daughter's secondary school and also to inspire the students to love the country and appreciate how the nation has arrived at the stage it is at now. This was as part of the Patriotic Month shedule of Events. The whole school turned up for the narrative and I must say the response was very good. In fact, invitations from other schools in the other area was also extended to Dato' . If you would like to have something similar to be arranged, please drop a line at the comments section.

In the meantime, here are some of the photos from the event.


Snuze said...

That is a fabulous way to inculcate pride in our country to the children. Well done!

Al-Manar said...

There aren't many Mlaysian bloggers writing in a proper way as you do. I congratulatre you and please keep it up. I hope to be back to view your past entries. I come here through Pak Mail.

mumuchi said...

Thanks but I don't do it for the credit. Just a small contribution for the nation. My dearest wish is to have more who can contribute better than I have done without any political agenda.

CSS said...

Tahniah, aku juga pernah bawa komando veteran yang menyertai Ops Gubir dan penerima PGB untuk program penghayatan sejarah di sekolah isteri. Amat berbangga atas perjuangan mereka semua.