This blog will be a repository of the postings of a military nature from my other blog and new ones since then, especially about the Malaysian Military in particular. Hopefully such knowledge about the hardworking men and women who tirelessly work for the security of Malaysia will be acknowledged and appreciated in this way. "We sleep soundly in our beds because rough men stand ready in the night to visit violence on those who would do us harm." - Winston Churchill
August 12, 2009 18:40 PM
Boustead Unit Gets RM 703.823 Million Contract From Defence Ministry
KUALA LUMPUR, Aug 12 (Bernama) -- Boustead Holdings Bhd has been awarded a contract worth RM703.823 million from the Defence Ministry to undertake the Service Life Extension Programme of Kasturi Class Corvettes.
The contract, received by its subsidiary Boustead Naval Shipyard Sdn Bhd, is for an implementation period of 53 months, it said in a filing to Bursa Malaysia here today.
Boustead Holdings said the contract will not have a material effect on earnings for the financial year ending December 31, 2009, but will contribute positively to the future earnings of the group.
First Sea Trials of Malaysian Submarine “Tun Razak”
Tue, Feb 17, 2009
Navantia began sea trials in waters off Cartagena of the second Scorpene submarine that the consortium formed by the French company DCNS and NAVANTIA is building for the Royal Malaysian Navy, and which had been christened ‘Tun Razak’.The aim of this sortie was to commence checks on the operation of the different equipment that has been installed on the submarine. This first phase of trials will last until the end of April.After a subsequent period of approximately 3 months during which the submarine will be in dry dock for routine maintenance work, the second phase of sea trials will be performed until October 25 of this year, the date scheduled for delivery of the Tun Razak to the Royal Malaysian Navy
So if shortage of funds is a hindrance especially if this is due to a possible upgrading of its armaments, then lets proceed with the plain vanilla configuration as per the first batch as long as the vessels are builts. That is why it was designed as a fitted for not with platform, so that once funds becomes availables it can be up-gunned as required no matter how this concept has been pilloried by those ignorant of its value. We need the platforms for offshore patrol of our national waters, there is no need to second-guess that. What should be left now is a debate on how to name the new class, and can I venture it to be the Sabah class for both national unity and nostalgic sake.
The submarine Ouessant has fulfilled its mission - BrestSaturday 11 July 2009The last mission of the submarine Ouessant, and the departure of the first Malaysian Scorpene mark the end of the project "Ouessant Malaysia.An end ... and a beginningWhile a beautiful ceremony Thursday marked the return to the naval base in the last mission of the submarine Ouessant, the Tunku Abdul Rahman first submarine Scorpene type built by DCNS Cherbourg, Toulon left for Malaysia. The event marks six years of a human and technological rich and exciting for DCNS and Navfco. The project includes construction of two Scorpene submarines and maintenance of submarine Ouessant, the training of Malaysian crews.Navfco owner of OuessantThe training of Malaysian submariners is provided by the private company Navfco with staff seconded from the Navy. The Navfco has filed two crew submarine Scorpene, reserve personnel, instructors, staff of Staff9 000 hours of diving"More than 9 000 dive hours were devoted to training. We welcomed 170 students who have each made an average of 1 300 hours of diving. This happened in 3 phases: classroom training, simulator and the sea, "says Admiral against Christian Le Roux. "This 42 th release went very well, after four years, we are really in a school, it happens later between fellow submariners," said Captain Commander Benoit Lemire, commander of Ouessant.A museumIn the coming days, we will proceed with the disarmament and ensure the safe Ouessant. However, its future seems sealed, an arrangement is underway between the two countries. Loaded on a ship dedicated the Ouessant join Malaysia to become a museum.Six years and some key dates30 October 2003: entry into force. 20 October 2005: the debut of Ouessant. 21 November 2005: start of training for Wednesday 9 July: End of the period of training at seaSome figuresMajor refit: 200 people, 400 0000 hours, 20 000 material visits, 150 000 hours of maintenance in post-major refit."This contract is a fundamental DCNS and its partners. This is the first time we offer a wide globalization of supply, "says Gérard Solve director DCNS Brest.
Le sous-marin Ouessant a bien rempli sa mission - Brestsamedi 11 juillet 2009La dernière mission du sous-marin Ouessant, et le départ du premier Scorpène malaisien marquent la fin du projet « Ouessant Malaisie ».Une fin... et un début
Alors qu'une belle cérémonie marquait jeudi le retour à la base navale de la dernière mission du sous-marin Ouessant, le Tunku Abdul Rahman premier sous-marin de type Scorpène construit par DCNS Cherbourg, quittait Toulon pour la Malaisie. L'événement marque six années d'une aventure humaine et technologique riche et passionnante pour DCNS et la Navfco. Le projet comprend la construction de deux sous-marins Scorpène, la maintenance du sous-marin Ouessant, la formation des équipages malaisiens.Navfco armateur du OuessantLa formation des sous-mariniers malaisiens est assurée par la société de droit privé Navfco avec du personnel détaché de la Marine nationale. La Navfco a ainsi formé deux équipages de sous-marin Scorpène, du personnel de réserve, des instructeurs, du personnel d'état-major.9 000 heures de plongée« Plus de 9 000 heures de plongée ont été consacrées à la formation. Nous avons accueilli 170 élèves qui ont chacun en moyenne fait 1 300 heures de plongée. Cela s'est passé en 3 phases : formation en salle de classe, sur simulateur et à la mer », explique le contre-amiral Christian Le Roux. «
Cette 42 e sortie s'est très bien passée, après quatre années, on est plus vraiment dans une ambiance scolaire, on se passe la suite entre confrères sous-mariniers », souligne le capitaine de frégate Benoit Lemire, commandant du Ouessant.Un muséeDans les jours qui viennent, on va procéder au désarmement et mise en sécurité du Ouessant. Toutefois son avenir semble scellé, un arrangement est en cours entre les deux pays. Chargé sur un navire spécialisé, l'Ouessant rejoindrait la Malaisie pour devenir un musée.Six ans et quelques dates clés30 octobre 2003 : entrée en vigueur du contrat. 20 octobre 2005 : fin du grand carénage du Ouessant. 21 novembre 2005 : début de la formation à la mer. 9 juillet : fin de la période de formation à la mer.Quelques chiffresGrand carénage : 200 personnes, 400 0000 heures de travail, 20 000 matériels visités, 150 000 heures de maintenance en post-grand carénage.« Ce contrat est une opération fondamentale pour DCNS et ses partenaires. C'est la première fois que nous offrons une globalisation aussi large de prestation », explique Gérard Solve, directeur de DCNS Brest.
09/07/09: On 9 July 2009, having completed its mission of building schools, Ouessant, last diesel submarine operating in France, docked at the naval base in Brest. On this occasion, a ceremony was held, chaired by ALFOST. The Ouessant taught students from the Royal Malaysian Navy since November 2005. A total of 146 Malaysian sailors got their qualification submariner during 42 trips to the sea and over 9100 hours of diving with the Ouessant.
DCNS contributes to creation of Malaysia's first submarine force (2009-07-10)
Following a major refit by DCNS, conventional-propulsion submarine Ouessant was recommissioned in November 2005 for an at-sea training programme for Malaysian submariners. The submarine had been decommissioned in 2001 after entering active service with the French Navy in 1978. During the training programme, SSK Ouessant logged 9,000 hours under water. Today, on returning to port after its final mission, SSK Ouessant will have completed a major contribution to the creation of Malaysia's first submarine force.
The contract signed by DCNS and the Royal Malaysian Navy in 2002 called for the delivery of two Scorpene submarines and an extensive crew training package by DCI/Navfco.
At-sea training has been a key component of this package. Given that SSK Ouessant was built in the 1970s and considering the demands of repeated training exercises, special attention was paid to the condition of each item of shipboard equipment.
Almost 170 Malaysian submariners benefited from training aboard the Ouessant. In the course of the four-year programme, DCNS ensured nearly 500 days of at-sea availability and the boat spent over 9,000 hours submerged.
Following their training aboard the Ouessant, the RMN's first submarine crew took control of their first boat, KD Tunku Abdul Rahman, delivered on 26 January 2009. Coming soon, the first RMN Scorpene set off on the voyage to its home port.
July 09, 2009 23:13 PM
Malaysia's First Submarine Begins Journey Home From France
KUALA LUMPUR, July 9 (Bernama) -- Malaysia's first submarine KD Tunku Abdul Rahman left Toulon, France on its historical maiden journey to Malaysia at 11 am Thursday.The Embassy of Malaysia in Paris in a statement sent here, said the submarine was waved off by Malaysia's Ambassador to France Datuk S. Thanarajasingam.Also present at the ceremony were Defence Attache Captain Khairuddin Mohd Ariff and officials from Malaysia's submarine project team as well as French senior navy officials led by Admiral Yann Tainguy.The submarine consisting of 35 crew members was commanded by Commander Zulhelmy Ithnain of the Royal Malaysian Navy.The submarine is expected to stop at Lumut and Port Klang for a few days before continuing the journey to Sepanggar Naval Base in Sabah. It will also transit at major ports such as Jeddah, Djibouti and Cochin, before reaching Malaysia.The submarine project started when Malaysia signed a deal to purchase two submarines in 2002.The first submarine was finally completed with the departure of KD Tunku Abdul Rahman, which is expected to reach its Malaysian home in Sepanggar by early September.-- BERNAMA
June 30/08: Brazil and France sign an agreement in principle for Eurocopter to build helicopters in the South American country via its subsidiary Helibras. Brazil’s Defense Minister Nelson Jobim reportedly said that the country intended to buy 50 “Super Cougar” models, the first of which would be delivered in 2010. The deal’s value was initially reported as $1.2 billion, but reports put the signed contract at $2.7 million equivalent.