Wednesday, December 11, 2013

When Keyboard Warriors Needs To Be Schooled

It has come to a sad situation when the responsible authorities has to respond to misguided allegations that they are supposedly not doing their job. But as long they take heed of their mistakes, it should be fine, but if not what to do.

Jawapan MKN kepada surat Nur Adilla Abd Rahim


Sejak kebelakangan ini, Majlis Keselamatan Negara (MKN) mendapati banyak pihak mengambil peluang untuk memberikan pandangan dan tidak kurang juga kritikan berhubung pelaksanaan operasi pengurusan banjir terutama di Pahang dan Terengganu. Justeru, MKN terpanggil untuk memberikan respon terhadap surat terbuka daripada Nur Adilla Abd Rahim bertajuk Surat terbuka kepada Majlis Keselamatan Negara bagi menjelaskan keadaan sebenar serta menangkis persepsi negatif terhadap jentera pengurusan bencana negara yang dicanang pihak tidak bertanggungjawab yang mempunyai agenda tertentu.
Penulis menyatakan kehairanan beliau terhadap tahap ketidaksiagaan badan-badan kerajaan tertentu sedangkan Malaysia menghadapi situasi banjir saban tahun. Luahan beliau, hanya apabila Ahli Parlimen Kuantan membawa perkara mengenai banjir di Kuantan ke Dewan Rakyat barulah ia mendapat perhatian pemimpin tertinggi negara. Hal ini memperlihatkan bahawasanya kedua-dua penulis dan Ahli Parlimen Kuantan tidak mengikuti perkembangan semasa.
Banjir yang berlaku di Kuantan bermula pada 2 Disember 2013 dan Ahli Parlimen Kuantan hanya membawa perkara ini ke Dewan Rakyat pada 4 Disember 2013. Pada waktu YB Fuziah Salleh mengutarakan usul berkenaan, anggota tindak balas sudah pun beroperasi selama dua hari bagi mengeluarkan mangsa untuk dipindahkan ke pusat pemindahan dan mangsa yang berjaya diselamatkan adalah seramai 13,460 orang di Kuantan sahaja. Pemindahan seluruh negara setakat jam 12.00 malam 4 Disember 2013 melibatkan 21, 253 mangsa. Sebenarnya, Puan Nur Adilla dalam tulisan ini memberi gambaran bahawa YB Fuziah Salleh, Ahli Parlimen Kuantan tidak turun ke padang sewaktu banjir mula berlaku serta tidak mengikuti perkembangan banjir di kawasan Parlimen Kuantan yang beliau wakili.

Dakwaan penulis dan juga Ahli parlimen Kuantan turut memperlihatkan ketidakfahaman mereka tentang sistem pengurusan bencana negara yang setaraf dengan sistem antarabangsa seperti badan-badan di bawah Pertubuhan Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu (United Nations) yang meliputi aktiviti sebelum, semasa dan selepas berlakunya sesuatu bencana.Adalah tidak adil bagi penulis untuk menyimpulkan bahawa operasi menyelamat, memindah, dan pengagihan keperluan kepada mangsa banjir hanya dilakukan oleh MKN setelah ditekan dan didesak oleh ahli politik. Perlu dijelaskan di sini bahawa MKN menguruskan bencana tanpa dipengaruhi sebarang fahaman politik mahupun individu berkepentingan. Prioriti utama adalah menyelamatkan nyawa tanpa mengira latar belakang, kaum, agama, serta fahaman politik seseorang.
Walhalnya, sebelum dicadangkan oleh penulis sekali pun, MKN saban tahun mengambil langkah  melakukan persiapan sebelum berlakunya bencana banjir. Hasil daripada post-mortem pengurusan banjir bagi musim tengkujuh lalu digunakan bagi memperbaiki kelemahan yang dikenal pasti supaya jentera pengurusan banjir akan datang lebih berkesan dalam memberikan perkhidmatan terbaik kepada masyarakat. 
Sejurus negara menghampiri musim tengkujuh atau Monsun Timur Laut 2013/2014, MKN mengadakan Mesyuarat Jawatankuasa Pengurusan Bencana Pusat (JPBP) pada 24 September 2013 sebagai langkah persediaan awal.  Jabatan Meteorologi Malaysia (JMM) menjangkakan sebanyak 4 hingga 5 episod hujan lebat akan berlaku dalam tempoh sehingga Mac 2014.  Episod hujan lebat yang menyeluruh selama 3 hingga 7 hari akan menyebabkan risiko berlakunya banjir. Melihatkan keadaan ini, MKN mengarahkan supaya agensi serta aset pengurusan banjir diletakkan dalam keadaan bersiap sedia. Untuk makluman, wakil kerajaan Negeri turut dijemput untuk menghadiri Mesyuarat JPBP bagi berkongsi maklumat mengenai persediaan jentera pengurusan banjir serta ramalan keadaan cuaca. MKN negeri juga mengadakan Mesyuarat Jawatankuasa Pengurusan Bencana di negeri masing-masing bagi menyelaraskan persediaan di peringkat negeri dan daerah.
Pendek kata, kerajaan melalui pelbagai agensi pengurusan bencana termasuk MKN melakukan semua persediaan yang perlu bagi memastikan operasi menyelamat dan perpindahan dilakukan sepantas mungkin bagi mengelak kejadian tidak diingini serta memastikan bekalan dan keperluan di pusat pemindahan adalah mencukupi.
Untuk makluman penulis, seramai 56,997 anggota daripada Angkatan Tentera Malaysia, Polis DiRaja Malaysia, Jabatan Bomba dan Penyelamat Malaysia, serta Jabatan Pertahanan Awam di seluruh negara diletakkan dalam keadaan bersiap sedia untuk memberikan bantuan. Selain itu, aset kerajaan yang boleh dikerahkan untuk operasi banjir di seluruh negara ditempatkan mengikut zon. Melihat kepada keadaan banjir semasa di pantai timur, MKN dan agensi-agensi tindak balas berkaitan mengambil tindakan untuk menggerakkan kekuatan dan aset di negeri-negeri yang tidak dilanda banjir bagi meningkatkan keupayaan agensi tindak balas dalam operasi banjir di kawasan yang terjejas banjir.
Jabatan Kebajikan Masyarakat (JKM) selaku agensi yang bertanggungjawab dalam pengurusan di pusat-pusat pemindahan mewartakan sebanyak 4,696 pusat pemindahan di seluruh negara yang boleh menempatkan seramai 1.3 juta mangsa. 54% daripada pusat pemindahan yang dikenal pasti adalah Kompleks Penghulu, Dewan Orang Ramai, Pusat Komuniti, dan lain-lain. Selebihnya adalah sekolah. Selain itu, JKM juga menubuhkan Depot Simpanan Keperluan Bencana dan Stor Bencana Negeri di beberapa lokasi strategik di Pengkalan Chepa, Kemaman, Bedong, Sungai Buloh, dan Muar. Selain itu, terdapat 513 Pangkalan Hadapan bagi menyimpan stok barangan makanan dan barangan bantuan bencana ke kawasan yang berisiko terputus hubungan atau terputus bekalan.
Namun, manusia hanya mampu merancang dan Allah yang menentukan segalanya. Perancangan dan persediaan tidak selalunya berjalan lancar terutama dalam keadaan dunia yang mengalami perubahan iklim. Penulis seharusnya sedar cabaran yang dihadapi oleh agensi pengurusan bencana apabila terpaksa berdepan dengan cuaca ekstrem yang membawa kepada bencana. Dalam kes di Kuantan, rekod cerapan hujan dari 1 hingga 3 Disember adalah sebanyak 900 mililiter. Cerapan ini adalah tiga kali ganda daripada jumlah cerapan sepanjang  Disember bagi 2012 iaitu 330 mililiter sebulan. Faktor ini, ditambahkan dengan fenomena air pasang besar menyebabkan air naik dengan mendadak sekali.
Sistem ramalan awal Jabatan Meteorologi Malaysia (JMM) setaraf dengan negara maju. Namun, apabila melakukan ramalan bagi cuaca tropika seperti di Malaysia, ia ternyata agak sukar dan ini turut diperakui oleh pakar-pakar meteorologi dunia. Ramalan berlakunya episod hujan walaupun dapat dilakukan 7 hari ke hadapan namun ia tidak dapat menentukan lokasi tepat kejadian hujan, sebaliknya hanya secara umum. Lanjutan daripada ramalan JMM, amaran awal disebarkan melalui media termasuk media elektronik dan bantuan polis supaya penduduk di kawasan berisiko berjaga-jaga. Sejurus air mula naik, agensi penyelamat melakukan operasi pemindahan.
Mengenai dakwaan tentang bantuan yang  lambat tiba serta keadaan yang teruk di pusat pemindahan, ia harus dicerna dengan minda yang rasional. Harus difahami bahawa kerja pemindahan memerlukan masa berikutan keadaan cuaca, jumlah mangsa, serta faktor yang tidak dapat dielakkan. Terdapat mangsa yang enggan berpindah meskipun dipujuk dan akhirnya terkandas berikutan air naik terlalu dalam.
Peningkatan mendadak jumlah mangsa banjir melebihi jangkaan awal menyebabkan keadaan agak tidak tersusun di pusat-pusat pemindahan pada peringkat awal. Ekoran daripada kenaikan aras air yang tinggi akibat hujan ekstrem dan air pasang besar, terdapat beberapa pusat pemindahan turut dibanjiri. Mangsa di pusat pemindahan berkenaan terpaksa ditempatkan di pusat pemindahan lain yang menyebabkan sedikit kesesakan.
Berikutan situasi ini, JKM juga terpaksa mengambil langkah menyusun semula pengagihan bekalan makanan dan bahan mentah bagi memastikan keperluan mencukupi. Selain itu, pihak berkuasa turut mengalami cabaran daripada segi logistik bagi menghantar bekalan berikutan keadaan cuaca yang buruk serta jalan raya ditenggelami air. Namun, ini hanya berlaku pada peringkat awal pembukaan pusat pemindahan sahaja dan keadaan kini lebih stabil dan bertambah baik serta bekalan keperluan adalah mencukupi. Bagi kawasan yang terputus hubungan, bantuan dihantar melalui helikopter.
Melihatkan keadaan semasa banjir yang melanda negara, MKN perhatikan ramai yang cuba membandingkan Malaysia dengan negara Jepun yang dikatakan lebih unggul dalam menguruskan bencana. Walaupun ia adalah suatu perkara yang positif bertujuan penambahbaikan, namun adakah mereka ini sedar bahawa apabila negara Jepun dilanda bencana, semua pihak di segenap lapisan masyarakat meletakkan perbezaan fahaman politik dan ideologi mereka ketepi dan berganding bahu untuk menangani krisis yang dihadapi.
Kerajaan Jepun seperti lain-lain negara yang dilanda bencana yang diluar jangkaan atau berskala besar turut mengalami masalah untuk menguruskannya di peringkat awalan. Menyedari hakikat ini,  masyarakat setempat serta organisasi sukarelawan tempatan memainkan peranan mereka sebelum ketibaan pihak berkuasa. Mereka ini mempunyai kesedaran tinggi peranan dan tanggungjawab yang seharusnya mereka mainkan tanpa menuding jari menyalahkan mana-mana pihak. Ini membolehkan negara mereka untuk bangkit kembali dengan pantas selepas berlakunya musibah. Masyarakat Jepun sama ada orang awam atau parti politik tidak memijak di atas kepala agensi dan anggota penyelamat untuk mendabik dada sendiri.
Dalam keghairahan kita untuk membandingkan situasi dalam negara dengan negara luar yang dirasakan lebih ke hadapan, seharusnya kesediaan masyarakat untuk turut sama menggalas perubahan juga harus diambil kira.Tahap kesedaran rakyat Jepun terhadap pentingnya untuk bersedia menghadapi bencana adalah amat tinggi. Menyedari bahawa mereka tinggal di kawasan yang berisiko menghadapi bencana alam, mereka memberikan kerjasama dalam melaksanakan langkah persediaan termasuk mengambil insurans bagi melindungi harta benda mereka.
Mengenai bantuan berupa wang berjumlah RM500 yang didakwa penulis sebagai terlalu sedikit, ingin diperbetulkan di sini bahawa ia bukanlah sebagai pampasan atau ganti rugi kepada kerugian yang dialami mangsa. Terma yang sebetulnya bagi pemberian wang kepada mangsa ini adalah sumbangan Bantuan Wang Ihsan kerana ia hanya bagi meringankan beban kepada mangsa atas dasar keprihatinan kerajaan bagi membolehkan mereka ini memulakan kehidupan sejurus selepas berakhirnya banjir.
MKN juga mengambil kesempatan ini untuk menjawab tohmahan kononnya Bantuan Wang Ihsan terlebih dahulu masuk ke dalam poket segelintir pihak yang tamak. Sebagai makluman, sumber kewangan bagi peruntukan Bantuan Wang Ihsan kepada mangsa bencana adalah daripada Kumpulan Wang Amanah Bantuan Bencana Negara (KWABBN) yang tertakluk kepada tatacara kewangan kerajaan sedia ada dan proses pengauditan.
Proses penyerahan Bantuan Wang Ihsan juga tidak dilakukan sewenang-wenangnya, dan memerlukan dokumen pengenalan diri selain hanya empunya diri iaitu ketua keluarga yang disahkan dibenarkan untuk mengambilnya. Semua keluarga yang layak akan diberikan Bantuan Wang Ihsan tanpa mengira kaum, agama dan fahaman politik waima mereka mengenakan pakaian melambangkan parti yang disokong sekalipun semasa proses penyerahan. Hasilnya, akaun KWABBN bebas daripada sebarang komen audit yang negatif berikutan ia diuruskan dengan baik.
Sebagai makluman, negara pernah mengalami situasi banjir yang lebih buruk dan menyeluruh di seluruh negara melibatkan lebih daripada 230,000 mangsa yang berpindah pada 2010, selain daripada 140,000 mangsa pada 2006 dan 100,000 mangsa pada 2005.  Namun, situasi banjir semasa yang diperlihatkan adalah seolah-olah kerajaan tidak berdaya untuk menguruskannya, sedangkan mangsa yang terlibat pada ketika ini berjumlah sekitar 50,000 orang iaitu jauh lebih sedikit. Hakikatnya, realiti di peringkat lapangan, keadaan ini masih boleh dikawal dan ditangani dengan baik walaupun terdapat gangguan dan cabaran logistik pada peringkat awal.
Tujuan MKN mengemukakan respon bukan disebabkan tidak boleh menerima kritikan tetapi bagi memperbetulkan salah faham serta kesalahan fakta yang didakwa oleh banyak pihak termasuk penulis sendiri. MKN menghargai segala pandangan konstruktif yang diutarakan. MKN sentiasa berusaha untuk memantapkan dan memperbaiki sistem pengurusan bencana dalam keadaan perubahan iklim dan senario pembangunan negara yang rancak.  Namun, ia juga perlu mengambil kira keupayaan dan kapasiti negara selain melihat kepada kebolehmampanan kepada sesuatu usaha yang dilakukan.
Semua pihak dipohon untuk tidak melihat dari jauh dan mempolitikkan pengurusan bencana serta mengambil tindakan menyebarkan maklumat yang boleh menjejaskan kestabilan dan kelancaran operasi banjir yang boleh merendahkan moral petugas yang sedang bertungkus-lumus  memberi khidmat terbaik kepada masyarakat. Sebaliknya, semua pihak perlu berganding bahu bagi membantu jentera pengurusan bencana di peringkat tempatan. Nur Adilla Abd Rahim adalah seorang yang terpelajar. Justeru MKN yakin puan faham dengan maksud "Good deeds should be spotlighted and not laserred".  – 10 Disember, 2013.
 * Artikel ini disediakan oleh Setiausaha Majlis Keselamatan Negara, Jabatan Perdana Menteri.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Waste Of National Resources Is It?

To those who says that maintaining a standing force of security units is a waste of time as they would only be sitting on their butt, only good for Merdeka Parades and who are they going to war with et cetera et cetera may not realise that these security personnel and the rescue units like Bomba and JPAM are the ones who are risking their necks each year during natural calamities to save the rakyat.

But I bet these people will keep on saying their mantra that the nation do not need armed forces bla bla bla! If you are interested, you can click on this link " Operasi Murni 2013 - ATM dan Rakyat berpisah tiada" for a true picture of what they are doing now.

A member of the rescue team helping flood victims at Kampung Pogoh 2 to evacuate in Segamat on Wednesday. Source ; The Star.

Bomba Photo Credit : VAT 69 - Perjuangan Semalam

The Fire Services and JPAM has also sent in their units to help with the operations. For the record, these are the Armed Forces units now engaged in the Ops Murni at this time.

Army Troops Under The Command of 3rd Division.  Pahang – Operations Area  Kuantan, Maran, Pekan, Rompin and Jerantut.

– 12 Rejimen Askar Melayu DiRaja (RAMD) Mekanise, 1 Kor Armor DiRaja (KAD) Troops from Gerup Gerak Khas (GGK) - using 16 boats, 16 3 ton vehicles, 4 Land Rovers and TATRA 7 ton ;6 in Pahang and 2 in Terengganu.
Johor – Operation  Area Batu Pahat, Muar, Kota Tinggi, Kluang, Segamat dan Mersing. In Mersing – 1 Rejimen Renjer DiRaja (RRD) using 2 boats, 2 3 ton vehicles and 2 7 ton TATRA 7 ton in Johor.

Air Assets being utilised are the new EC725 and elderly Nuris from the RMAF and two helicopters from the MMEA.

I end with this report from The Star with a photo of an Armed Forces' asset which purchase that was heavily criticised before this, operating even though not at Full Operational Status yet.

Army swoops in to flood-hit areas to provide aid

Relief effort: A Royal Malaysian Air Force helicopter delivering aid to flood victims in Kuantan.

KUALA LUMPUR: The Army has sent in troops to help flood relief efforts in Pahang, Terengganu and Johor.

The relief operation, named Ops Murni, was announced at 4.50pm on Tuesday, and assets and troops were sent to flood-hit zones on Wednesday.

A statement from the Defence Ministry said 190 soldiers from twelve Royal Malay Regiments (Mechanised), one Royal Armoured Corp, as well as 35 Special Forces personnel have been sent to Pahang.

Helping hand: Army personnel helping to evacuate victims who were stranded during the flooding in Kampung Sungai Isap in Kuantan.Source : The Star

Evacuation efforts are being undertaken in the districts of Kuantan, Maran, Pekan, Rompin dan Jerantut with 16 boats, 16 three-tonne trucks and four Land Rovers.

Six seven-tonne trucks were also ordered there, with two others sent to Terengganu.

In Johor, 32 soldiers from a Royal Ranger Regiment with two boats, two three-tonne trucks and two seven-tonne trucks were sent to assist with evacuation in Batu Pahat, Muar, Kota Tinggi, Kluang, Segamat dan Mersing.

The statement also said the Kuantan air base has been assisting the National Security Council to monitor seven flood relief centres since Monday.

"A Nuri helicopter from the Search and Rescue Squadron rescued four flood victims and sent them to the relief centre at SMK Paya Besar," said the statement.

So far, an estimated 20,378 evacuees have been placed in 164 relief centres.

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Don't Be Wasteful.

Jane's recently reported that Malaysia may end their OPS Fajar in the Gulf of Aden, where the Royal Malaysian Navy has been providing anti-piracy naval escort service using the Auxiliary Ships BM5 and BM6 in one of their longest long range overseas deployment. 

20 November 2013
Malaysian Defence Minister Hishammuddin Tun Hussein said on 19 November that a decision will be made by the end of 2013 on whether to continue Operation 'Fajar', the Royal Malaysian Navy's (RMN's) anti-piracy escort mission in the Gulf of Aden for ships belonging to the Malaysian International Shipping Corporation (MISC).

"It has been decided that within the next two months ... that the government, RMN, and MISC will assess the mission and decide upon the mission's future," he said at a press conference in Kuala Lumpur.

RMN Chief Admiral Aziz Jaafar told IHS Jane's that an alternative being considered was for MISC to station private security teams on its ships, a course of action being considered because MISC ships faced the threat of pirate attacks beyond the range that they are under escort.

The MISC security teams would comprise ex-RMN navy commandos "so we have no reservations about the security teams' capabilities as they were formerly our men," Adm Aziz said.

Should the option to field private security contractors be undertaken, the RMN auxiliary ships carrying out the mission on a rotational basis, Bunga Mas 5 and Bunga Mas 6, both of which are loaned by MISC, would be de-flagged and revert back to their merchant status under MISC.

Operation 'Fajar' began on 30 August 2008 when an RMN task group carrying a tri-service commando force with helicopters was dispatched to rescue the crew of two MISC tankers hijacked by Somali pirates (although the force did not go into action as the hostages were freed after a ransom was paid).

A series of RMN warships then carried out the escort mission until it was taken over by the Bunga Mas 5 in June 2009. The vessel was supplemented by a second auxiliary, the Bunga Mas 6, in August 2011.

It is fine for me if the operation is to end as I have always personally felt that this is more a commercial matter that calls out for a commercial solution when it is more viable, and to hire private contractors to provide the security now seems appropriate since the piracy threat seems to have quieten down nowadays.

However the plan to decommission the two auxiliary ships and return it to MISC is to me quite wasteful for several reasons. The first is that the ships are already upgraded to naval standards, and subject to its actual condition can provide an interim patrolling capability that the Navy sorely needs in our own waters since they have demonstrated their capabilites in this capacity far from home.

Secondly the ships are originally logistics ships, and they can also contribute to the logistical capabilities of the RMN that is also currently far more seriously needed. With aviation facilities, these ships are unique as they can also provide rotary support as and when needed. The strengthened hull and hold should also be able to transport the MAF heavy equipment easily and on immediate call when required.

As amply demonstrated in their exercises shown previously to the public, these ships can also provide training facilities for the special missions that involves commercial or merchant ships without requiring the Navy to request support from shipowners or to lease commercially.

Finally it is time for MISC and Petronas to show their gratitude to the RMN for providing service to them for half a decade. As reported these ships if returned will be reverted to merchant status but the MISC no longer has any cargo liner service and will naturally be sold off as they will not serve any commercial purpose to MISC. As such these ships should be freely turned over to the RMN for their use instead to safeguard our national waters as a CSR exercise. Wouldn't this serve a better good for a greater cause, especially since the national security of our country are facing difficulties due to lack of resources. Don't you think this should be the case?

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

ESSZONE Security Teething Problems Being Sorted.

Well as usual in our country, it takes an incident to happen to put a boot in the behind of those responsible for their tasks. I am a bit surprised if the Rapid Response Team was not in the original plans for the ESSCOM administration since they are a multi agency formation. At least thing are finally being taken care of as stated in this two articles.

Article One. : Rapid response team set up in Esszone 

Article Two :  Sabah to act against illegal lodgings, workers and ‘White Rajahs’

I only hope that this is not another Malaysian Malady, hangat-hangat tahi ayam if you know what I mean. The world scrutiny is on Sabah yet again, and we should not give them the pleasure of watching us screwing up again.

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Any Security Threat Is A Threat, PERIOD!

It has been disheartening to watch people on the administration and government trying to downplay the murder and kidnapping case of the Taiwanese couple in Semporna as a not so big security threat. This is supposedly because it is not considered as a military threat because they were allegedly made not by militants or terrorists but common criminals. This is despite the IGP later saying they might be linked to the Abu Sayyaf section. And yes ESSCOM is a big area to secure, but here even with a General Operations Force (GOF) base set up under ESSCOM only about 800 metres away, yet these sort of incidents can still happen, so someone's big behind needs to be given a kick.

Police personnel patrolling the water villas at the resort after the abduction and shooting incident.

What these Little Napoleons just do not seem to realise is that such incidents is a clear and present threat to the nation's security, as it may deprive the nation of earning funds that can be used to purchase the assets needed to protect our sovereignity. In this particular case, this has manifested itself in the Taiwanese Government issuing a travel advisory to Sabah. With Visit Malaysia Year 2014 just a month and bit away, what do you think this will do to the tourist arrivals forecast and the income from tourist spending? No security, no moneylah! Get that through your thick heads will  you!!!!

 Security personnel keep watch at the resort on Pom Pom island in Semporna. Starpix by Normimie Diun

Semporna kidnap: Taiwan issues travel alert on eastern Sabah

TAIPEI: Taiwan's Ministry of Foreign Affairs has issued an "orange" travel alert for the eastern coast of Sabah after a Taiwanese man was shot dead and his wife abducted on a resort island there.

The ministry urged the public to avoid travelling to the area unless necessary, the Focus Taiwan website reported.

Under the ministry's four-colour-coded travel advisory system, the "orange" alert is the second highest level.

The 57-year-old Hsu Li-min was shot dead Friday by gunmen while the whereabouts of 58-year-old Chang An-wei was still unclear after she was abducted. The motive for the shooting and abduction was unclear.

Officials of the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Malaysia arrived in Sabah Friday evening to help with the investigations.
For the chronology of the official statements, please refer  here.

Edited 1711/13 : It seems that the resort owner has more powers than the Security Forces. What Gives

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Why The Secrecy?

Boustead has announced that it has awarded the torpedo lauching system contract for the SGPV/LCS program as stated in this official announcement. However it has broken the norm from its previous systems awards announcement by keeping the details classified.

I believe this will start a round of speculation as to the reasons why as such torpedo systems are not that many available in the market and their capabilities are known. If this announcement is meant to show that the Navy will not use the existing Lightweigh Torpedo A244S from Whitehead Alenia that are launched from the already in service B-515 system, then it is an upgrade to our ASW capabilities. My personal opinion is that the LCS may be equipped with the Black Shark heavyweight torpedo to maintain commonality as these are already on board our submarines. To me this could be a reason why it is classified as the RMN would be the first navy to select it for their surface ships as far as I know, even though it is the frontrunner for the Indian submarine and destroyer competition.

On the other hand if this program would continue with a lightweight torpedo system flavoured by DCNS using the B-515 system, I guess the Eurotorp MU-90/IMPACT advanced LWT may enter service. This is a mature system already in service with five navies' surface warships but then it begs the question why it needs to be classified. Well I guess that is enough  punditry for now until full disclosure is made by the RMN or the Malaysian Government.

Friday, November 8, 2013

Another Navy Big Ticket ITem Delayed ?

Although the mainstream newspapers basically carried Bernama's reporting on the proposed acquisition of Anti Submarine Helicopters by the Royal Malaysian Navy below, it is a bit surprising to read in Mr. Marhalim's  Abas blog that the program has actually been deferred to the 11th Malaysian Plan starting in 2016 rather than made under the current plan.  This was not mentioned in the Bernama's article at all but if Mr. Marhalim was at the press conference, I guess that was extra information that the others had omitted in their reporting or editing.

Navy Plans To Acquire Anti-submarine Helicopters

LUMUT, Nov 7 (Bernama) -- The Royal Malaysian Navy (RMN) has proposed for the government to acquire anti-submarine helicopters to increase the force's capabilities.

Navy chief Admiral Tan Sri Abdul Aziz Jaafar said this is to ensure the force remains relevant with the current modernisation.

"At least six anti-submarine aircraft are needed to form a squadron.

"The Kota Kinabalu RMN Base in Teluk Sepanggar, Sabah will house the squadron where two of the country's submarines are also stationed," he told reporters after officiating the Perak RMN Air Unit's 25th Silver Jubilee at the RMN Base, here Thursday.

The Kota Kinabalu RMN Base currently has two French Scorpene submarines, the KD Tunku Abdul Rahman and KD Tun Razak.

In another development, Abdul Aziz said the RMN Air Unit plans to establish its own training centre which will conduct training modules on flight operations.

He said plans for the training centre was still in talks and is expected to be realised in three years, also to be situated at the RMN Base here.

"The training centre will carry out modules for aircraft transition training for pilots and air tactical officers, helicopter guard course, flight deck officer course as well as other courses and training," he said.

Abdul Aziz said the training centre will produce an air unit and fleet crew which is ready to meet the needs of the RMN and country.

At the ceremony, Abdul Aziz was awarded an honorary wing as a mark of respect and recognition for his contributions in the development and achievement of the RMN Air Unit.

I guess this means that previously made proposals to acquire other big ticket items would also be deferred, i.e., the systems and weapons upgrade to the Kedah class and the FAC-M replacement program. Speaking on the FAC-M replacement program, I just noticed from an article that the program may have actually amalgamated like the SGPV/FFG/LCS program into an FGS/LCS type vessel that was initially separated from what I heard previously under the 10MP proposal from the RMN. If this is true, I sincerely doubt the FAC-M replacement program will materialise early since the other arms of the MAF has also taken a hit in their big ticket item acquisition programs. But who knows with the flurry of acquisition programs to be made under The Eastern Sabah Security Command (ESSCOMM) requirement, this FAC-M replacement program may yet sneak in as it would meet the patrol vessel prerequisites easily.

He also stated thal the RMN was looking to replace its fast attack craft (FAC) fleet with new ships. Although the government has not yet approved funding for this, the RMN has proposed either a modified version of the localty built Gagah Samudera-class training shipdesign or a new 50-75 m design to be sourced from a foreign manufacturer. The replacement ship would not be an FAC type, but rather one capable of long-distance endurance and patrolling of Malaysia's waters, with firepower equal or greater to the FACs it would replace. ==> source

Another Artist's Rendition OF An Upgraded Gagah Samudera Class Vessel
Credit to Dewafrost @ Mymil

Monday, November 4, 2013

Read It And Weep - Again

For those who may have thought that in conjunction with the Prime Ministers visit to the United Kingdom an announcement would have been made with regards to the replacement of the MIG-29N program, I am afraid that you have to wait a little bit longer.

Malaysia PM says fighter jet decision may take longer 

Thu Oct 31, 2013 12:42pm EDT
Oct 31 (Reuters) - Malaysia's decision over which fighter jet it will choose to replace its ageing fleet of 18 Russian-made MIG-29s might be delayed as the country focuses on cutting its budget deficit, Prime Minister Najib Razak said.

"It might take a little longer because we need to consolidate our fiscal position first and this is what people want and this is what the market wants," Najib told Reuters on Thursday on the sidelines of a conference in London.

"My priority would be to secure the macro position of the government to make sure our deficit is cut and at the same time we will spend on defence to the level we can afford to do, all depends on how strong we feel financially."

Malaysia shortlisted five combat aircraft in March, principally the Eurofighter Typhoon - made by European consortium BAE Systems, EADS and Finmeccanica - France's Dassault Aviation Rafale, Boeing's F/A 18E/F Super Hornet and Russia's Sukhoi Su-30 and Sweden's SAAB JAS-39 Gripen. Industry sources said at the time that the purchase could run into billions of dollars.

The government has however come under pressure to tackle its high budget deficit and growing debt pile. In July, ratings agency Fitch cut its outlook on Malaysia's sovereign debt to negative.
Countries such as Malaysia have become top targets for U.S. and European defence manufacturers who want to increase their share of exports to make up for falling defence spending in their home markets.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

SGPV/LCS Preliminary Confirmed Specifications

Just to add to the informed discussion on the SGPV/LCS, I post here the officially announced systems that has been identified, based on the LOA announcements and identified from press releases.

Artist Illustration credit to Azim09 @ mymil

Displacement: ??? tons standard, ??? tons full load
Dimensions: ??? m x ??? m x ??? m
Guns: 1x 57mm Bofors Mk 3 naval guns in stealth Cupola DP, 2x 30/75mm MSI model unknown.
Missile: ???
ASW: ???
Electronics: DCNS SETIS Combat Management System, Combined Integrated Communication System and Communications ESM system, OSI Integrated Navigation and Tactical Systems (INTS), Rheinmetall TMX/EO Mk2 fire control radars, Rheinmetall TMEO Mk2  electro-optical systems , Thales Nederland B.V SMART-S surveillance radar system ,Thales CAPTAS towed array sonar, Polyamp Advanced Degaussing Systems, ???? navigation radar, ??? ECM systems, ??? decoy chaff launcher system,??? Decoys, Link ???.
Propulsion: ???, ??? propellers
Speed: ??? knots, range ??? at ??? knots
Crew : ???
Aircraft: ????, Hangar platform aft.

note : OSI INTS purchase has not been officially announced by BHIC but by OSI instead. ===> media release

As you can see, there are still so many systems yet to be decided like the propulsion, missiles and ASW systems. The RM2.825 billion systems purchase can we safely say only amounts to the purchase price of only less than half of the equipment required under the overall RM9 billion contract amount at this stage?

Monday, October 28, 2013

Transparency Is There, But Do You Check Before You Allege?

Just as a social experiment. I has listed the announced systems purchased for the SGPV/LCS in my military forum but despite linking the site where the official announcements were made, I understand that in some forums some 'wise' forumers has gone ballistic by saying that the amount we are paying is too much for the systems listed based on the program price.

I wonder if they checked out the KLSE Announcements page where the purchase prices for the systems was announced before shooting off that the project is overpriced.

These are the official figures that I mined from the official announcements.

1. BAE Systems Bofors Medium Calibre Gun 57 Mk3 with Stealth Cupola complete with simulator and ammunition range table = Swedish Krona Three Hundred Seventy Five Million (SEK375,000,000), which is equivalent to Ringgit Malaysia One Hundred Eighty Two Million Two Hundred and Fifty Thousand (RM182,250,000). ==> source

2. Contracts for Thales : ===> source

(i) Thales Underwater Systems CAPTAS Towed Array Sonar complete with simulators 287,019,200.00
(ii) Thales Nederland BV SMART-S Main Surveillance Radar with simulators 227,970,252.00

3.  to supply MSI Defence Systems Limited 30mm Small Calibre Guns for the LCS Programme (“the Awarded Works”) at a total value of GBP17,290,916 (Great Britain Pounds Seventeen Million Two Hundred Ninty Thousand Nine Hundred and Sixteen) equivalent to RM87,729,508 at 28 Oct. 2013 Exchange Rate : ===> source

4. to procure, engineer and integrate into the DCNS SETIS Combat Management System, a Combined Integrated Communication System and Communication ESM System ("the Awarded Works") at a total value of RM203,796,392.58 : ==> source

5. to undertake procurement, engineering and integration of additional equipment and facilities for the DCNS SETIS Combat Management System ("the Awarded Works")  at a total value of RM305 million: ===> source

6.  to undertake engineering and integration works in connection with the DCNS SETIS Combat Management System (‘the CMS”),  together with procurement of the CMS and the Rheinmetall Fire Control System (“the Awarded Works”) at a total ceiling contract sum of RM1.532 billion : ==> source

Taking into account the figures given, the systems value of the amount purchase officially announced already touched RM2.825 billion out of the total contract value where many more system prices are yet to be announced. 

So how can you say something is overpriced when you still do not know the whole total cost breakdown, I ask you. As usual somebody did not do their homework before shooting off their mouths.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

The Need For A Malaysian Amphibious Force

Although this matter has been discussed for a while in my military forum culminating in the recent announcement of the establishment of a marine force as per the following press statement, I have refrained from commenting on it until an article on it has appeared in an established publication, ie, public domain. The article referred to here is Jane's, "Malaysia to establish marine corps, naval base close to James Shoal. "

My comments on this matter is simple. I do not foresee the establishment of a totally independent corps operating with their owned assets. Instead like the statement mentioned with the draw-down of ready amphibious trained units from all services, to me it means its more of a formalisation of the joint amphibious force already training under the Eks-Belangkas and CARAT exercises previously. This force has long been planned as the amphibious arm of the MAF Rapid Deployment Force and as such it is no surprise that according to Jane's article both the 9th Royal Malay Regiment (para) and 8th Royal Ranger Regiment (para) have both conducted amphibious warfare training as a secondary mission. Therefore according to tradition it can be expected that elements from both unit should then be amalgamated to form the core of the amphibious force.

Training with the USMC During Carat 2008 and in our own Eks-Belangkas

On the same track is that the statement in the press release that the draw-down of the logistical units already in operation in order to reduce time to start of operations and start-up costs should be taken note of. By my simple count the only assets that can be immediately relied on are the two navy MPSS units in service and 17 CB90 combat boats and various RHIBs and landing craft in service, the Army Combat Boat Company with the 28 odd Rover combat boats and army RHIBs and the absorbtion of the Marine Police 10 Watercat M14-class landing craft. However if the acquisition of the Watercats from the Police would not be feasible, it is good that these are actually produced locally by a local shipyard and together with the Rover Combat boats and CB90s, these assets should be able to be procured from other local shipyards also. This simply means that for the shore landing components we can be easily self-reliant, however the availability of the support assets still leaves much to be desired.

USS Denver

However it is also good to note in the Jane's article that an offer to hot transfer an American LPD USS Denver next year is also on the table, probably with landing equipment like AAV-7 amphibious vehicles as to wait for the decision to build the long awaited MRSS locally is likely to take more time under the current economic condition. The offer of the AH-1Z Super Cobra to act as the land and air attack component would complete the requirement in the press statement easily although this would mean the Army Air Wing's requirements would take a back-seat to the equipment requirements of this amphibious force. But with existing threats now mainly focused onto our marine assets and shoreline like in the Spratlys and ESSCOMM, I guess these requirements would now take priority.

  Our typical amphibious operations?

You may be wondering why I use the nomenclature of amphibious force instead of Marines. The answer is simple. I do not foresee this is a marine force in the traditional sense of being the Navy's expeditionary or naval infantry, but by the reverse token as a land fighting unit able to be logistically transported by sea to safeguard the marine possessions of the nation. They remain essentially an infantry unit but are able to utilise sea based equipment to achieve their objectives. I will not be surprised that in addition to the Para Amphibious element, the other components that will be drawn into the amphibious force will be from the GGK Special Boat Section and the battalions that has operated in the Ops Pasir in Sabah. This would for me avoid the Command and Operational Culture issues that would arise if the amphibious force is put under the command of the Navy, as the Navy would not be able to contribute many numbers to the land fighting elements themselves and will not have much or such experience themselves. So although the current plan would be put for the unit to be an independent force under the control of the Malaysian Joint Force Headquarters, I would not be surprised that later the force is absorbed formally into the Rapid Deployment Force command structure instead.

Well that is the opinion of a pundit such as myself but it would be an interesting exercise to follow this matter to see how it pans out later.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

I Say! Overlooked La This Video On The LCS Programme!

An interesting video on the RMN LCS programme that I overlooked before this. Well better late than never right.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Analogue Digital

From the Facebook Photo pages of Dzirhan Mahadzir, you can obviously compare both versions. To me as I stated in my previous post, the digital camo shown seems to be a cartoonish effort to showcase a digital version what comes may. Up to you on how to accept it.

Monday, September 23, 2013

The 80th Anniversary Armed Forces Exhibition

Those who managed to visit the Exhibition over the last three days at Dataran Merdeka Kuala Lumpur must count themselves lucky as there were exhibits that were rarely seen in public before this. I guess numerous blogs and military forums have uploaded their pictures of the exhibits so I do not want to replicate their efforts in this posting.

I just want to comment on these two oft overlooked field equipment that were the first time I saw being featured in such exhibitions. Its interesting that such services has kept up with the times.

The above picture also shows the new digital camouflage uniform as compared to the existing version.

I must add however that the trial digital camouflage painted on some of the army armoured vehicles seems to be just for the sake of showing something digital to the public, as I fail to see how it helps hide the vehicles.  

The camouflage shown by STRIDE before as part of their  Field Applied Camouflage System trial to me fits the bill much better as shown below. But I guess that's just my opinion.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Eh Denial?

Hmm it seems that the incident in the newspaper report I posted about has been denied by the DG of ESSCOM. However the abduction part of the incident is confirmed and the authorities are looking for the gunmen. Nonetheless I must say the script sounds familiar and stranger things has happened.

Esscom d-g denies fishermen kidnapping incident

Who Said Civilians Do Not Deserve Bravery Medals?

These fishermen definitely deserves bravery medals all around as they understand the concept of Hanruh by deliberately putting themselves in harm's way in order to avoid a potential international disaster.

Gunmen force plucky fisherman to guide them to resort on Pulau Mabul, taken to army camp instead.

KOTA KINABALU: A group of about 20 heavily-armed gunmen abducted a fisherman and demanded to be guided to a holiday resort on Pulau Mabul, Sabah, but were taken to an army camp on the island instead.
The incident began when the fisherman, who was in his boat, was approached by a speedboat off Pulau Umadal at about 6.30pm on Tuesday.
Garbed in dark clothes and armed with shotguns and pistols, the gunmen forced the fisherman to board their vessel and guide them towards Pulau Mabul where several resorts were located.
Upon approaching the island, the gunmen spotted a number of red lights on the shore, which fisherman said indicated the location of a resort.
As they got closer, the gunmen realised that it was a military camp and quickly turned their vessel around, heading towards Philippines waters.
The gunmen then spotted another fishing boat with eight men on board and forced them to board their vessel as well.
After several hours, one of the gunmen asked the nine fishermen what their race and religion were.
When told that all were Suluk and Muslim, the gunmen guided their boat close to another fishing vessel before ordering them to jump into the sea.
When contacted, Semporna district police chief Deputy Supt Mohd Firdaus Francis Abdullah said the incident occurred between 6.30 and 9.30pm on Tuesday.
"All victims were fishermen from around Semporna. As soon as they were freed and reached shore, they reported the incident to us,” he said.
"We are trying to determine where the group originated from based on the information from the abducted fishermen," Firdaus added.

When An Ignoramus Pretends To Be An Expert

I always say, when you read what is on the internet to take it with a pinch of salt and do your own research before accepting it as a Gospel truth. Simple fact is that many bloggers write based on their own prejudices , myself included, and it gets worse if the posts are written with a political agenda. However what gets my goat the most is when someone posts as if he is an expert on the subject, and to add more authority to what is alleged quotes that certain anonymous experts in the field is either his direct source, or is the person(s) who gave the tip off or other such instruments that will have no way to be independently verified by the reader.

I do not want to take too much time on this post but just wanted to show the most recent example of a biased "expert" who just wants to make political hay with his post linked HERE. I normally doesn't care to link or comment on such nonsense as I do not want to give them an increased page view count, but his obvious mishmash of the replacement of Mig-29N replacement program with the alleged non-flyability of the Su-30MKM obviously demonstrated his ignorance rather than his expertise.

I wonder if he even knows what are the jets practising the Merdeka Day flypast as appeared in the photographs in today's newspaper below. The sad part is many with the same bigoted view will lap it up even though it is painfully obvious that 4 units of the MKMs are being spared by the Armed Forces in order to celebrate the grand event although obviously their operational needs are very pressing. Enough said.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

OPS Cantas Is Definitely Working!

It has been great to read about the successes of our Police Force in curbing crime by arresting those responsible in the local press. I can safely say that You Will Not Walk Alone. The most heartwarming is the story below who loves his son in the correct way in my opinion. There may have been mistakes before but you are doing the right thing for your son now Dad! But I am sure there will be noises from certain parties about lock-up deaths la, bla! bla! bla!

Lorryman hands wanted son over to cops 

Published: Tuesday August 27, 2013 MYT 12:00:00 AM
Updated: Tuesday August 27, 2013 MYT 6:52:59 AM 

MALACCA: A lorry driver drove his son to the police station after finding out that he is on the wanted list for being part of the notorious 04 gang.

The father managed to trace the whereabouts of his son, who went into hiding following newspaper reports that he was being sought by police.

It is learnt that the 48-year-old father drove his son from Johor Baru before handing him over to the police. 

The 24-year-old gang member was being tracked by police to facilitate investigation into the murder of a rival 08 gang member on May 4 in Cheng here after a brawl.

It is believed the lorry driver from Cheng had spoken to Malacca police chief Deputy Commissioner Datuk Chuah Ghee Lye and Supt Gunarajan a day before and decided to personally hand over his son.

State Deputy CID chief Supt P.R. Gunarajan said the psychological approach used by police in solving the gang fight had been successful as three other suspected 04 gang members had surrendered on Aug 22.

Supt Gunarajan said a 19-year-old youth surrended at the police beat at Ayer Keroh court complex while two others, aged 18 and 19, voluntarily came to the police headquarters the same day.

Malacca police had placed eight people on the wanted list following the May 4 gang clash. The other four suspects have yet to be found.


Monday, August 26, 2013

Historical Narrative Day In School

With the assistance of Mejar (Rtd) Nor Ibrahim a fellow blogger, I had managed to arrange for the appearance of  Dato Mejar (Rtd) Salehuddin, a PGB medal owner to give a narrative on his experiences in the armed forces at my daughter's secondary school and also to inspire the students to love the country and appreciate how the nation has arrived at the stage it is at now. This was as part of the Patriotic Month shedule of Events. The whole school turned up for the narrative and I must say the response was very good. In fact, invitations from other schools in the other area was also extended to Dato' . If you would like to have something similar to be arranged, please drop a line at the comments section.

In the meantime, here are some of the photos from the event.