Speculation has been rifed amongst military forumers that the new LCS/SGPV will abandon the Meko platform and instead a DCNS Gowind derivative will be the base for this new vessel class due to statements that DCNS will assist in validating the new design. Yet when the Malaysian Defence Minister announced a Ringgit Malaysia 6 Billion allocation for the project after a briefing on the project by the designated builder, the model he was shown in a photo-op below is of the previously shown Stretched Meko platform marketed as a frigate by BNS previously. So what should be made of this eh?
February 05, 2011 19:15 PM
RM6 Billion Approved For Six Patrol VesselsAhmad Zahid Hamidi (left), listening to a briefing by Ahmad Raqmli Mohd Nor on the model patrol vessel. Pic: Norsharuddin Sapian
LUMUT, Feb 5 (Bernama) -- The government has agreed to allocate RM6 billion to build six second generation patrol vessels for the Royal Malaysian Navy, Defence Minister Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi said Saturday.
The construction of the ships will boost the economy while benefiting 632 vendor companies, he told reporters here after a briefing on the project.
"Thus, we will ensure that at least RM2 billion of the allocation will benefit these vendor companies which are strategic partners of Boustead Naval Shipyard Sdn Bhd," he added.
Ahmad Zahid said that he would himself monitor the progress of the project, due to start next year, and ensure that all concerned benefit from it and that there was no delay in paying the vendors.
He said that Boustead Naval Shipyard had constructed several new generation vessels for the RMN and shown itself to be on par with other ship builders in the world.
Ahmad Zahid also said the Lumut-Bagan Datoh coastal area here has been identified for a world-class shipyard to be developed over the next 10 to 20 years.
He said the defence industry, including shipping, had immense potential in the Asean region and now generated income of US$25 billion a year.
If Malaysia could attract at least 20 per cent of the defence spending, US$5 billion or RM15 billion could be generated by companies in the country, he said.
Ahmad Zahid the government was now trying to attract more defence industry-based projects, including ship building, to the country.
Tu 'artist impression' je yeop. Real punya lain....
Terimakasih yeop...itu yang teman terpikior dan dapat dari yang lain jugak...so minggu depan dah leh citer ke idak..btw, jumpa Zilan tadi..kalau ada projek bagus, boleh suruh dia cari finance hehehehe!
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