Monday, July 21, 2014

New Interceptor Crafts For The Malaysian Navy

The Royal Malaysian Navy has recently announced that they have acquired new high speed interceptor boats that will operate out of the Bunga Mas 5 (BM5) that will act as the mother ship in her role to protect the Sabah east coast against potential threats.

The BM5 In Port Klang In June 2014

The BM5 which will serve as a forward sea base equipped with high-speed interceptor boats, radar surveillance and helicopters. The three interceptor combat boats (CB90) will be used together with the rigid hull inflatable boats (RHIBs) that are currently being used by the navy’s elite sea commando unit (Paskal) and two new boats that were recently acquired by the navy – the Silver Brize and P38 craft.“The Bunga Mas 5 is the right choice to be placed in the area as it has a surveillance radar system and is equipped with helicopters to carry out night operations over long distances,” said navy chief Admiral Tan Sri Abdul Aziz Jaafar.

The P38 craft seems to have been purchased from UES Marine, a division of United Engineering Services LLC, Oman. Their Signature Interceptor Vessel the P-38, these UES interceptor boats can be tailor made as per the customers' requirements. The P38 is a high performance interceptor craft designed for interdiction of hostile vessels in coastal and offshore waters. It is an open boat well-suited for boarding, beaching and interdiction operations. It features advanced deep V step design hull which is 3D infused with advanced composite materials in epoxy resin for optimum power to weight ratio and maximum strength. The hull form and design affords maximum comfort for this type of craft allowing the crew to operate effectively with minimum fatigue. The P38 is designed to accommodate up to 12 crew and is equipped for missions of 12 to 24 hours. 

The P38 can be fitted to meet customised mission requirements, such as triple 50 caliber machine gun mounts. To protect your crew, ballistic NIJ Level lll extended height paneling can be installed into the sides of the cockpit.

Unfortunately the Silver Brize boats I am unable to identify but once I do i will surely include details of it here later.

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Jangan Jadi Jahil Lah!

Hakikatnya bagi mereka yang hanya tahu menjerit di Facebook tapi jahil fakta, Malaysia sudah lama menghantar pasukan tentera hadapannya ke bumi Palestin untuk berhadapan dengan tentera rejim Israel.

Walaupun hanya dilengkapi dengan kenderaan perisai usang kerana pihak pembangkang selalu tanya, "mau bili itu senjata mau lawan siapa", pada dasarnya bila negara-negara Islam bersatu satu masa nanti dan akhirnya mengisytiharkan jihad, berbanggalah yang negara kita dan negara serantau iaitu Indonesia dan Brunei(yang menempatkan anggotanya bersama kontijen kita) akan beraksi dari awal lagi.

Tak percaya? Tanyalah bekas-bekas tentera-tentera pengaman kita yang pernah bertugas di Bosnia-herzegovina kenapa Harimau Malaya digeruni pihak serbia dan croatia. Ingat fasal bola ke?

Tidak perlulah elemen-elemen sokongan termasuk dari TUDM berada di sana kalau setakat tentera kita setakat nak "bersiar-siar" di sana. Bila jihad sebenar berlaku, bala tentera kita tidak akan masuk medan dengan mata buta nanti, InsyaAllah.

Jadi sabarlah hati, tawakkallah dengan percaturan Allah. Dia maha mengetahui apa yang Dia kehendaki.

Malbatt 850-1 Kibarkan Bendera Tradisi Pengaman Malaysia

MARAKAH (LUBNAN), 14 Julai — Perjalanan darat dari ibu negara Lubnan, Beirut, ke sini mengambil masa kira-kira dua jam merentasi kawasan luar bandar yang dipenuhi kebun pisang, ladang oren dan buah zaitun yang tumbuh subur.