I wonder what is happening to the commissioning date of PV Perak that was supposedly delayed to this month from March 2009 and December 2008 initially. The delay in March would be understandable by looking at the web available photos above where even in March photos taken from the Ferry to Pangkor showed PV Perak still having items under wraps although overall it looks complete. The fact that is worrying to me now is that the most recent web available photo taken on the 11 May below now shows the patrol vessel being dry docked. I hope that this is for final completion works rather than major construction works remaining as otherwise it is possible the commissioning ceremony for the vessel will be further delayed. Such delay would be very worrisome if any potential confrontation in the region suddenly flares-up as the RMN would need all their assets to be available then. And this is not even talking about PV Terengganu that so far there seems to be no news on her development. So Paging PV Perak! You are urgently required to be commissioned so that you can enter your operation theater! (Pardon the Pun!)

perak will be commisioning on 28 mei. hopefully succes.
Thank you. Let's hope it finally happens. Any news on PV Terengganu?
Api ni. The commissioning was delayed as PERAK was handed over only on 31 May. She however was accepted on 26 May, meaning her performance was proven. The 5 days in between was just to get her shipshape. BTW, she was upslipped (not dry docked brader! This is a shiplift and not a drydock!) for final underwater painting and underwater inspection.
tks for the clarification bro..my sources gaps are quite patchy, even some you do not think available so openly. Anyway, congrats on finally handing over the ship. On to 174, another one that seems so tightly under wraps.
Set-To-Work and Harbour Acceptance Tests have already commenced on PV4. So, look out for another PV to be delivered in the last quarter of this year, insyaallah.
Thank you for commenting. Any information is appreciated. So will PV06 be launched together with the ship as per earlier plan.
PV6 Launch delayed to July 09 on request by the Sultan of Selangor. She can actually go down into the water anytime already.
Noted. July is not that far off anyway :>)
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